
School Aims, Vision and Values



We will ensure that all children are able to thrive through quality learning experiences, ensuring their readiness for the next stage in their learning.


To achieve our vision, we will:


  • Encourage all our children and staff to excel and collaborate with one another, to ensure the best outcomes and progress for all.
  • Develop joyful learning communities that work together to improve standards and outcomes for our children, as part of a wider community.
  • Ensure that we remain committed to the following values that underpin the way we work:



Here at Beechwood, we believe in developing a child intellectually, creatively, emotionally, physically, spiritually culturally and morally. This will take place in the caring and supportive environment of a school that aspires to be outstanding and that is proud to be at the heart of the local and wider community, raising standards of attainment for all pupils. We want our children to be confident, happy and healthy individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens. We aim to:

  • Provide a safe, happy and caring learning environment.
  • Aspire to outstanding levels of individual achievement.
  • Develop self esteem and confidence and promote respect for others.
  • Celebrate success, positive attitudes and excellent behaviour both in and out of school.
  • Nurture lifelong learning at the heart of the community.
  • Promote opportunities for children to discover their talents.
  • Ensure parents/carers feel valued as a part of the school community.